Holy Trinity Church CSI Malayalam Congregation, Chennai
(Affiliated to Madhya Kerala Diocese)
TAMBARAM Worship Centre
The prayer group was started in December 1968 by the initiative of the late Rev. N.T. Jacob. It was started to ease the difficulties faced by nearly 25 families of the prayer group residing in the Railway quarters, Air Force Station, Madras Christian College and residential areas of Tambaram. Now the worship is taking place at Emmanuel Marthoma Church, East Tambaram.
The Prayer group is intended to be mainly an appendage of HTC. On all special occasions like Picnics, Social, Harvest Festival, Carol Service, Christmas celebrations, Watch night and New year celebrations, the members are to actively participate. Constant and active support of Atchen and Pastorate committee members is extended.
The members believe in more of spiritual development rather than administrative involvement. It is a quiet, subdued spiritual and social gathering. Regular prayer meetings are held and interaction with the main church is reserved only for special occasions.
Holy Communion Service is held on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday at 4:30 pm every month except in the month of May.